Our Replatforming offer

Reduce your technical debt and legacy dependency and modernise your digital ecosystem

Gilles Guirand

Technical Director

Do you want to modernise your user experience but find that you are held back by monolithic, outdated technologies? Don’t know how to migrate a vendor’s solution to Open Source? Don’t know how to migrate legacy IT to Kubernetes? Are you finding it impossible to industrialise the migration of your dozens or even hundreds of CMSs?

Kaliop can help you rebuild and progressively modernise your digital ecosystem, working with you to define the roadmap and migration strategies best suited to your context:

  • Big bang strategy or gradual launch (A/B testing)
  • Decoupling of back-end and front-end by API-sation, and introduction of a Back for front
  • New design system and progressive encapsulation of front-end components (micro-frontends)
  • Industrialisation of CMS version upgrades by clustering
  • Industrialisation of content migration by scrapping, reformatting and automatic tagging
  • Progressive decoupling of monoliths to switchover to a composable architecture

User-centric modernisation – Towards a modern React/Vue front-end

New mobile uses and new user experiences mean that the front-end layer needs to be regularly modernised: PWA (offline, notifications), performance improvements (core vitals), new RGPD directives, security and obsolescence of JavaScript libraries, etc. What’s more, most front-end know-how and tools are now focused on JavaScript frameworks such as React or Vue, which are often incompatible with previous uses.

We can support you in the strategies and implementation of progressive rebuilds of legacy front-ends to React, Vue or Svelte, combining technical approaches: client-side rendering (CSR), server-side rendering (SSR), server-side generating (SSG), encapsulation server side includes (SSI) or edge side includes (ESI), micro-frontends, etc.

IT centric modernisation – towards DevOps, the Cloud and Kubernetes

The sheer diversity of applications (CMSs, business applications, JavaScript or PHP frameworks, ERP, CRM, PIM, IAM, etc.) multiplies and diversifies the range of technologies to be maintained, as well as the associated know-how. It is becoming commonplace to have to forcibly decommission applications because you no longer know how to maintain them and they’ve reached a critical level of obsolescence and insecurity.

We can help you move towards a DevOps culture and practices, to de-silo your teams, automate deployments, build your PaaS strategies using Kubernetes or simply modernise and migrate your legacy applications to AWS, GCP, Azure, Scaleway or Kubernetes on-premise.

API centric modernisation – from monolith to composable architecture

Organisations are sometimes paralysed by the presence of an over-powerful monolith, so omnipresent and critical that no-one dares take the slightest action to modernise the front-end or infrastructure. Therefore, it needs to be lightened by gradually dismantling it. Exposing and creating APIs on the front of monoliths (back for front) facilitates the gradual replacement of these functionalities by other headless tools, the introduction of new modernised front-end components, and the implementation of initial DevOps and Cloud practices – in short, the start of a composable architecture.

We are there to support you in the strategy and implementation of the dismantling of monoliths in the process of switching over to a composable architecture, by API-sizing your monoliths, exposing a back for front façade (GraphQL) and selecting the replacement headless bricks (CMSs, commerce, ERP, search, business APIs, SaaS tools, etc.).

Interested in this offer? Our teams are here to answer your questions

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