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Solution d’avis client Trustpilot

Trustpilot is the consumer choice for reviews. With more than 529,000 companies evaluated and 4 million new notices each month, companies are using Trustpilot to build credibility and enhance their reputation.

The key functions of the solution


Collect certified reviews

Your customers share their experience

Use customer reviews to improve your brand’s confidence and reputation.


Promote reviews

Highlight your customer reviews

Share your customer reviews on your strategic media (online and offline advertising, website, etc.)


Analyze customer reviews

Respond to your customers and follow up on opinions

Analyze, respond to reviews and improve your customers’ experience.

The benefits of the solution


Brand empowerment

Build confidence in your brand

Attract more traffic to your Trustpilot profile and site.



Increase your conversions

GGenerate social proof, reassure your visitors and increase your conversions.


Loyalty management

Retain your customers

With analytics tools, use your customer feedback to transform and improve your business.



Partnership Manager

“Kaliop and Trustpilot are two leading entities in their categories. It was obvious to work together and offer our clients our expertise. This partnership is a great pride but above all a real added value for customers.”

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